Sunday, June 22, 2008

You Might Be A Redneck..........

If you sleep with a squirrel.

If you find a squirrel nesting behind your computer

and using your printer for a bathroom.

If you have ever kissed a squirrel

If you share your milk first with your squirrel

and then your dog.


Johnny said...

You guys used to be able to blame this kind of stuff on your crazy kids. Now what excuse do you have?

Em Russ said...


Jodi said...

I can always count on the Russ' family to make me laugh until I am crying and can't breathe!

SpaceyKasey said...

I've missed you...glad you're back.

And I thought redneckism was exclusive in Wildwood. Ha!

Bryan and Amanda Russ said...

Yeah, glad to see your back in the blog's not like you have anything else to do ;-0....George that is just disgusting, but now I know where your son gets it and where my kids have no hope of a "civilized" life.

Tiffany said...

This is beyond disturbing. Speaking of which...Robert has some really cute video footage of his new kittens posted on his facebook.

Tiffany said...

Mom, you rocked this post!

Unknown said...

Sister Russ that is hilarious, but I'm not surprised! I'm surprised there isn't a picture of the snakes and the squirrel cuddling up at night yet! We have a blog too, check it out sometime.
Miss you guys, it was so fun seeing you at church in April!
Tagg and Katie (aka, Archie & Mrs. Archie)